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A time-based, frantic one-page RPG. In Run. Die. Repeat all players take turns controlling the same character in a Groundhog Day-ish nightmare and escaping from monsters and threats.

Rules summary: Players make actions and roll 1D6. 6 is a success, anything else is death for the poor character... but she respawns again at the start. Each time The Character dies, it's next player's turn. Players can't retry an action that previously failed, but they can repeat any action that has been successful in a previous incarnation, no rolls needed. To win the game, the players must chain a number of sucessful actions to escape the nightmare.

A French translation of the game is available on http://troplongpaslu.fr/jeux-de-role-court/run-die-repeat/ thanks to https://itch.io/profile/lucas-c.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(14 total ratings)
AuthorLabrys Games


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Run Die Repeat.pdf 4.4 MB


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Hi! You got hacked for the Hackathon! Tell me if you’re OK with it…


The current version of Riot! has drifted from Run Die Repeat so much the link is severed.

I'm glad my little game inspired you. Best of luck!

Thank you! I guess you already knew it, but your game is huge in the french scene. Its format make it the go-to game when playing inside an insitution (school or similar) or on a very tight schedule.

That's awesome to hear!


Hi !

I'm rpg player but also an french actor who give theatre lessons to a group of children (10 -11 years old) in a popular district of my city.

Since few weeks, I use to finish my class by a 15 minutes game of Run, die and repeat with the kids. They love it so much that one of them, now, always have a D6 in his pocket to play the game everywhere at anytime... during the breaks at school for exemple.

And they love so much the game that they wanted you to know and they write you some words. It's in french but it saies something like this :

"Dear creator of Run, Die and Repeat. Les kids of Albert Camus School find that your game is awesome. We want to thank for creating it. Good luck for the future.

signed : the pupils of the Albert Camus School in Villeurbanne"

any update on Corruption of the black hearted??


Thanks a lot for your wonderful game
During the launch break with some french friends on the interne we play it 
It's very fun ! Since a few weeks, the parties are recorded and available on youtube


I'm glad you and your friends enjoyed my game so much. I've checked out your Youtube channel; I don't speak any French, but your good vibes have made my day. Also, thanks to Lucas-C for the French translation, which has opened the game to a wider audience.

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This game understands the true essence of what a RPG is: Improvisation, Randomness and a lot of laugh and fun with friends!

We used this game to make a lot of our friends discover RPGs because it is light, with no setup nor rules to understand.

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I have been working on a dozen short scenarios for Run. Die. Repeat. in the pas weeks, and I have submitted some game sessions for 4 of them at this week-end online French CyberConvention, on Sunday afternoon : http://www.cyberconv1.com/

There are still some seats available at the (virtual table), but now registration must be done on Discord 🙂

I think after that I'll publish them online next week !

I'm so glad this little game keeps sparking your creativity. I'd be happy to see what you'd made for the game.

I'm starting to publish those scenarios on my blog : https://chezsoi.org/lucas/blog/1ere-fournee-de-scenarios-pour-run-die-repeat.htm...

In a few weeks, I plan to release a PDF with all of them on itch.io

The PDF is there : https://lucas-c.itch.io/10-scenarios-pour-run-die-repeat

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I loved your game so much that I translated it in French !
Here is a short article I wrote about it on my blog :

That's so cool! I'm glad you enjoyed my game.


I did my best to translate your game as faithfully as I could. I only added a mention of myself as the translator.
By the way, there is this French website that is making an inventory of one-page tabletop RPGs : http://troplongpaslu.fr
I think people would really like Run Die Repeat.
Would you allow me to put the PDF of the French translation of your game on it ?

As long as nobody is charging money for the game, absolutely. I'll be honoured.


The game has been approved and is now online :

Great! I'm putting a link to it on the game's page. Thanks for taking the time to do this.


Thanks a lot for the translation! Thanks to you we recorded 7 amazing podcast episodes (in french): https://anchor.fm/rolisterie/episodes/S06E01—Les-argouliens-attaquent—Run–Die–Repeat-earf0c

Hope you would listen and like it :)

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I'm so glad my game inspired you to play it and make a podcast about it, and I too want to thank Lucas-C for making the game available to French roleplayers. I'm listening to it and, while my French is super basic, I can tell you had a good time playing it. Your playgroup seems so cool!

Feel free to send me any feedback about the game at either https://www.instagram.com/labrysgames/ or https://twitter.com/labrysgames.


Thanks !

Awesome sound effects 😍

I loved the idea of the sleeping monster as an encounter !

I listened to half of the podcasts so far, and I noticed a few things that went differently compared to my own game sessions :

  1. your players had much more liberty to invent the things surrounding them, while my players asked me question about the environment. Interesting, your style of play sounds also really great !
  2. in my games, I tried to give an explict goal at the begining of each time, while in yours the players more often discover it progressively
  3. for each death, I attempted to give an explanation & description of how it happened (sometimes gruesome ^^). This did not seem necessary to you, which maybe made the game even faster !

Thanks again for sharing those podcasts here !

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Your feedbacks are very valuable, thanks! I guess a strength of this game is that it lets you play in many fashions.


Totally !